Plate Loaded Standing Calf Machine


Plate Loaded Standing Calf Machine

Plate Loaded Standing Calf Machine, 82019, allows the user to pile on free weight plates. It is designed ergonomically for a smooth workout. The angle plated footplate is designed spacious to provide enough footing for training the calves at any angle with feet close or wide.


Plate Loaded Standing Calf Machine 7


 Plate Loaded Standing Calf Machine

  • The traditional design of the plate loaded standing calf machine offers easy entry and exit. The angled diamond plate footplate helps maintain foot placement and allows for maximum stretch. The starting height is adjustable for all sizes. 
  • Main frame adopts 40*80*3.0mm pipe. All pipes are Q235 qualified pipe.
  • Ergonomic design, smooth workout.
  • Hard chrome weight plate sleeve.