Agility Ladder


Agility Ladder

Yanre Fitness’ Al01 agility ladder is used to perform a variety of agility drills. This product allows the user to have the ability to start, stop, quickly accelerate and decelerate, and switch direction swiftly while maintaining balance and posture.


Agility Ladder & Workout Ladder & Speed Ladder for Sale


  • Description: Fitness Agility Ladder
  • Material: TPE
  • Length: 12-rung long
  • Color: green, yellow
  • N.W.: 1.2kg

Agility Ladder Basics

What is an agility ladder? It is also called football ladder or soccer ladder, which is an exercise equipment used to perform a variety of agility drills. Agility is the ability to start, stop, quickly accelerate and decelerate, and switch direction swiftly while maintaining balance and posture.

Agility drills are fitness exercises that help an exerciser improve their ability to change direction and accelerate while they are in motion.

Agility Ladder Drills Benefits

Agility drills are crucial workouts for athletes for improving their performance. The workouts are also important to those exercising for general physical fitness. The benefits listed as blow:

  • Improved coordination
  • Improved balance
  • Improved speed
  • Burn calories
  • Improved cognitive ability
  • Improved heart health

As a professional fitness ladder supplier, our goal is to make your workouts smooth, enjoyable and fun by providing the best exercise equipment.

Features of Agility Ladder

  • Long-lasting

Our workout ladder can serve for a long time without wear and tear because it is built with TPE material that has improved resistance to friction.

  • Affordable Price

Yanre Fitness saves you money by providing commercial-use speed ladder at an affordable price .

  • Light Weight

Our gym ladder is light. You can easily carry it (or several of them) to the location you want to do your exercise from.

  • Eco-friendly Material

Yanre exercise ladders are made from eco-friendly, non-harmful material safe for use indoors and outdoors and friendly to the environment.

How to Use an Agility Ladder

You can perform a variety of exercises using a Yanre Fitness agility ladder depending on your fitness ability.

If you are just beginning, you may consider starting with single-foot drill and two-feet drill.

Experienced users can do advanced drills such as forward and backward hop scotch and lateral runs.

How to Do Agility Ladder Drills

Tips for beginners

  • Make slow, careful movements before you increase speed and intensity.
  • For proper posture, keep your knees slightly bent and shoulders relaxed.
  • Keep arms on your side slightly bent at the elbow.


Step-by-step Guide

>>Step 1: Lay the sports ladder in front of you.

>>Step 2: Shift your weight onto your left leg and step your right foot into the first rung/square.  Ensure you lean a bit forward, move your right knee forward and slightly up, and your right elbow back and slightly up.

>>Step 3: Shift your weight onto the right foot and step your left foot into the second square. Ensure you lean a bit forward, move your left knee forward and slightly up, and your left elbow back and slightly up.

>>Step 4: Step into the third square while making similar movements to those in step 2.

>>Step 5: Step into the fourth square while making similar movements to those in step 3.

>>Step 6: Keep repeating the movements until you get to the last square of the agility ladder.

As you get familiar with the exercise, move as fast as you can and raise your knees higher.

Common Mistakes Committed While Doing Agility Ladder Drills

  • Stepping on the training ladder.
  • Leaning more than needed.

Yanre Fitness has been manufacturing and selling high-quality fitness ladders for years. With our agility ladder, you can add agility drills to your daily workouts for a better, healthier body.

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